FASD involves damage to the central nervous system caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. People suffering from FASD are more vulnerable, socially impressionable, often more impulsive, have more trouble concentrating, may forget previously obtained knowledge and skills, etc. In addition, it is difficult for them to maintain structure. They may, however, also be articulate, energetic, and very skilful in certain areas.
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Diagnosing FASD as early as possible prevents secondary problems. Parents and schools can develop a customised parenting style to ensure the capabilities of affected children and young people are fully optimised. As children grow older, they themselves need to be able to deal with their issues, and the same goes for their environment. Once a child or young person is aware that he/she suffers from FASD, they can start accepting themselves and develop.
Living with FASD involves a life with ups and downs, both for the person suffering from it as well as their environment. The diagnosis of FASD may come as a shock to the child/young person, biological parents/guardians and other people closely involved. People suffering from FASD profit from support. Symptoms may be similar to those in ADHD, Autism, attachment disorder, etc., but with some slight differences. FASD regularly involves physical issues, such as growth retardation, locomotor issues, fatigue, intestinal problems, dental problems and muscle tension problems.
We work using course of life coaching. Depending on your stage of life, for a certain period you will be provided with more intensive contact, coaching, ZO!skool, buddy groups, parent network groups or a training course. Contacts cease at other times. Parents are provided with on-demand parent coaching. We work together to intercept deficits and to achieve optimum performance.